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Blue Grouse

Our triple-bottom line approach to sustainability in practice.


Grouse Mountain has taken on a number of environmental initiatives that coincide with our Blue Grouse philosophy. This is by no means a comprehensive list. We are always searching for more and better ways to help our planet. The following green initiatives are already happening at the Peak of Vancouver.


The wind turbine atop Grouse Mountain creates BC’s first viable, wind energy solution. It is the world’s first wind generator with a viewPOD, and it offsets up to 2% of the resort's power consumption per year.

Co-op vehicle & bicycle parking 

Grouse Mountain is pleased to offer designated spots for all of the region's major car-sharing options (Car2Go, ZipCar, EVO and Modo). For bike enthusiasts, we provide bike racks located at the base. 


The washroom faucets at Grouse Mountain are hands-free to mitigate waste. Auto faucets are thermal mixed i.e. hot and cold water to save energy. Toilets are low flow using 6 gallons vs. the standard 13 gallons (excluding base toilets). Soap dispensers at Grouse Mountain are also hands-free to mitigate waste. All bathroom towels are 100% recycled and “green certified”. We also use biodegradable trash bags, eco-friendly cleaning products, and “green-sealed” cleaners, soap and paper products.

Veritree partnership

In 2022, Grouse Mountain partnered with veritree to plant more than 25,000 trees over the next three years at forest sites across British Columbia. veritree is a planting management platform developed by tentree, a sustainable apparel company that plants ten trees for every item of clothing sold. veritree is a data-driven, restorative platform that connects nature-based solutions with mission-driven companies ready to lead the restorative economy.


We have begun the process of transitioning our lighting systems across the Mountain to efficient LED. This is a multi-year process and includes major exterior lighting systems including those that light our runs on winter evenings


We print materials on post-consumer paper stock and use online subscriptions for publication where possible. Our “green sealed” toner from Laser Valley technology is recycled. We use low VOC paint for renovations where feasible and work with Cintas to clean mechanic uniforms – 70% of water Cintas uses is recycled.


Grouse Mountain has undergone a sustainable business supply audit by the Environmental Youth Alliance, a comprehensive energy audit by BC Hydro and a carbon emissions audit by Ecosystem Restoration Associates.


Grouse Mountain participates in the Lights Out campaign and operates a no-idling zone.


Grouse Mountain recycles. We operate a proprietary recycling station separating non-refundables (glass, plastic, metal) and a battery recycling program for employees. Food waste is separated and composted. Our cardboard is recycled weekly. Employees use re-usable cups for beverages and there is an environmental fund for those who use disposable cups. Tickets for General Admission, Download and Winter Lift are made from recycled stock from Canada Ticket.


A highly-effective trash compactor reduces the impact of waste materials and our non-refundables are collected weekly by “the recycling alternative”. Grouse Mountain works with M&R Environmental to safely dispose of waste oil, filters, rags, bottles and anti-freeze and turn them into biofuel and bioantifreeze. We salvage materials from retired structures to use in new projects.


Grouse Mountain is serviced by two public transit routes and a free shuttle bus from Downtown, making it accessible via sustainable means.


Grouse Mountain’s Skyride aerial tram system is a low impact way up the mountain. It has eliminated over 25 million drives to the top of the mountain.


Draws on a privately-owned water source and does not tap into municipal reserves. In the summer months, our snowmaking fleet is employed to help mitigate the risk of forest fires.


The Observatory and Altitudes Bistro are members of the Green Table Network, a group committed to responsible restaurant practices. We are proud members of Ocean Wise, the Vancouver Aquarium's conservation program. Grouse Mountain grows specialty garnish for its food and beverage operation on-site and works with local growers to shorten the distance of product sourcing. We work with responsible suppliers to ensure the products we offer leave the smallest footprint possible. We recycle kitchen grease through West Coast Reduction. Grouse Mountain's organics collection program manages the collection of organics, recyclables and solid waste around the facility, from compostable cups and cutlery at Lupins Café to trim waste from the kitchens of Altitudes Bistro and The Observatory.