For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse
Please be aware, the Munday Alpine Snowshoe Park is closed today due to HIGH avalanche warning.

Blue Grouse

Our triple-bottom line approach to sustainability in practice.


Fostering a loyal and happy workforce as well as community means reduced training costs, increased employee expertise and guest returns. More efficiency means more investment in sustainable infrastructure. Below are a few of the social initiatives in place at Grouse Mountain.
two skiiers


A research, education and conservation centre, Grouse Mountain's Refuge is home to two orphaned Grizzly Bears living in a protected 5 acre habitat. GMREW is also participating in an urgent northern spotted owl captive breeding program, a world-wide study on hummingbirds and aims to raise public awareness about the challenges faced by wildlife in our province.


Over 20,000 school children participate in Grouse Mountain’s highly subsidized Adventures in Education Programs every year. Our programming always has an environmental, historic education, and First Nations component (Birds in Motion, Eco Walks, Lumberjack Shows, Wildlife Ranger Talks).


Grouse Mountain has exceeded $1 million in charitable and community donations. Grouse Mountain's choice of charitable partners for 2023 has a hyperlocal focus to support our immediate neighbours and community members. These include Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation, Family Services North Shore and North Shore Rescue through events such as the Grouse Grind Mountain Run, Seek The Peak, the Multi Grouse Grind Challenge, Easter on the Peak and Peak of Christmas. We participate in Jeans Day, Bike to Work Week, Anti-Bulling Day and Bell Let's Talk Day, and support longstanding events such as Variety Club and Climb for Alzheimers.   


Grouse Mountain is home to the First Nation’s Snowboarding Team. Our hiwus Feasthouse promotes Coast Salish culture staffed by Squamish Nation program leaders.


We are the largest employer of youth on Vancouver’s North Shore. Grouse Mountain serves as a mentor with practicum opportunities for students in tourism, hospitality, marketing, guest services, accounting, mountain operations and PR. We offer Red Seal programs for culinary staff and work closely with North Shore Disability Resource Centre. We also work with local organization Connexions to find gainful employment for developmentally challenged workers.


Grouse Mountain offers subsidized education programs for employees, sponsors employee sports teams and facilitates employee carpooling and smoking cessation programs. Employees are also provided with extensive benefits through the Grouse Mountain internal perks program, and wider Northland Properties perks program including discounts across F&B and retail outlets, Mountain Interchange program, extended benefit plan, transit subsidy and season access pass to the Resort. Visit our Careers page for more info.


We host public education sessions on snow safety & trail and hiking safety (with Adventure Smart and Avalanche Canada).


Grouse Mountain employees volunteer their time with Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports, Tyee Ski Club, Education and LIT Programs, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, and Family Services of the North Shore.


Our Mountain is synonymous with active and healthy lifestyles. Grouse Mountain offers four season alpine recreation giving visitors many fitness choices including skiing, hiking, ice skating, snowboarding, snowshoeing, paragliding and running.


Grouse Mountain is the home training ground of top athletes who represent Canada on the world stage. We sponsor athletes and are home to Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports and help them promote winter sport among adaptive athletes. We also promote the future of snow sports with ski and snowboarding instructor training programs.