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On the North Shore we are blessed with abundant outdoor recreation opportunities. Getting up into the snow is a great way to make the most of the winter season. Ensuring a great time in the snow, though, does require a bit of preparation. We went to a key authority on winter fun, Grouse Mountain’s Snow School and Attractions Director, Toby Barrett, to get the inside scoop on how to prepare to make the most of what is expected to be a big snow winter.
To really enjoy a season on the mountains you need well-functioning, comfortable gear that helps to maximize your abilities. 

1. Tune Up
A base clean & repair, edge tune & repair, base grind, hot wax, scrape & polish and binding check will ensure your skis or snowboard are in tip-top condition – whether or not you stored them nicely over the summer. The Outpost at Grouse Mountain offers equipment preparation with easy drop-off and pick-up; as do local ski & snowboard retailers. 

2. Gear Up
While we all want to look great on the slopes, comfort should be at the forefront of gear selection. “Make sure boots are well fitted and select skis, snowboard or snowshoes that are appropriate for your skill level and the types of conditions you’re likely to experience, “ states Barrett. You don’t need “big fatty” skis if you’re going to rock the groomers all season. For base and outer layer clothing, Grouse Mountain’s Outfitters has a great selection of clothing and knowledgeable staff to help you make a savvy selection. 

3. Get Up
To take full advantage of the fitness you’ve achieved and your gear-ready self, you need a season pass that will help to ensure you get up on the mountains as much as possible. Grouse Mountain offers a variety of season passes as well as 5 and 10 Day Snow Packs, increasing the affordability of getting up for skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing.