For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse
Please be aware, the Munday Alpine Snowshoe Park is closed today due to HIGH avalanche warning.

sliding zone

slip, slide & smile

sliding zone

Please Note: Outside sleds, carpets and toboggans are not permitted on the mountain. Sled Rentals are available for use in our Sliding Zone for $5, and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The Sliding Zone is family fun for all ages and your chance to soar down Grouse Mountain on a sled! 

Located just west of the Skating Pond, the Sliding Zone provides two designated lanes of groomed terrain for your winter enjoyment. 

Sleds can be rented for $5 at the Fireside Hut and season-long rental access is available for $15 per individual.

Hours of operation

The Sliding Zone is open daily during the winter season, provided conditions allow. Sufficient snow is required, so please check Today on Grouse for the most up-to-date information prior to your visit.