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Safety & Risk Awareness

Terrain Park Safety

Grouse Mountain is home to five terrain parks that attract freestyle skiers and riders of a range of ability levels and ages from across BC and around the world. Whether you are new to freestyle terrain or you are a seasoned veteran, you will find features that match your ability and progression level. Please review the following tips, videos and signage regarding terrain park safety to ensure you have the most enjoyable visit.
Grouse Mountain Terrain Parks

short cut handle tow safety video


Terrain Park Safety

  • Read the entrance signs – each entrance is marked with a unique sign stating park terrain difficulty levels. Please follow within your ability and always be in control
  • Start small – if you're new to riding terrain parks, we recommend that you start small with beginner features and get the basics down and work your way up. If you are having trouble, take a lesson with our friendly Snow School team
  • Take a warm up run – it is recommended that you take a ride through the park and check it out so you can get a visual of you to expect and the confidence to succeed
  • Let the Park staff do their job – if you see Park staff working on a feature, please skip that feature and come back when they are done
  • Don't stop or sit on landings and knuckles – if you need to stop and take a break for a moment do not sit where people cannot see you or run into you. Always clear the landing or pull into open area where you are visible
  • Closed means closed – if you see a rope line, fencing, signs or bamboo across a takeoff. It is up for a reason, please do not remove and do not ride those features. If you have any questions or concerns find one of the Park staff 
  • Keep landings clear – never stop to take a break in a landing, bottom of roller or anywhere that you are not visible to riders uphill from you. Clear the landing area to avoid collisions 
  • Do not use rail takeoffs as jumps – save the takeoff lips for the people who want to ride the feature correctly. Practice riding on small jumps or rollers instead 
  • Do not snake – be courteous of your fellow park riders, call your drops and give people a decent amount of time and space when waiting to ride a feature to avoid cutting people off 
  • Slow down when exiting the terrain park 
  • Helmets recommended

Take a Warm Up Lap

First lap of the day? Maybe you've never ridden this park before? Or maybe you've been riding all week? Either way, it's recommended that you take a ride through the park and check it out. This can give you a visual of what to expect, and give you the confidence to succeed.

Read The Signs

When you ride up to one of our terrain parks on the Mountain make sure you take a minute to stop and read the entrance signs. The signs are unique to each park and will let you know what size features to expect. Remember to always ride within your ability level and maintain control while in the parks so everyone can have a great time and enjoy.

Start Small

Always start small. When starting out always start small, get your basics down and slowly work your way up.

Look Before You Leap

Take a little warm up and check out the surrounds before you hit a jump to make sure things haven't changed since the last time you hit it.

Clear Landings

Never stop to take a break in a landing, bottom of roller or anywhere that you are not visible to riders uphill from you. Clear the landing area to avoid collisions.