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The group met under the breezeway at the Whole Foods in Park Royal at the Whistler Water tent.

I could not make the training that night, so Michael from the group, shared with me all the good times that were had for week 8 (thanks Michael!).

Vega gave an amazing talk about nutrition before everyone went jogging down to Ambleside to do the run. The night's focus was on speed and the group ran a straight 800 meter stretch of road 3 times, starting near the west end of the soccer fields and ending before the Spirit trail crosses under the train bridge.

After a cool down run, the group returned to Park Royal and enjoyed water and treats courtesy of Vega and Whole Foods. There were two delicious salads that the staff at Whole Foods provided, one with quinoa and mango and the other with beets and blue berries.

So how did I make up for missing such an incredible evening of training? I spent last Sunday hiking Stawamus Chief (also known as 'the Chief').

It is always great to have a bit of cross training to compliment the fantastic training we receive as a group.

The Chief is a better-known hike primarily because it takes you up the back of a huge rock face that most people see while driving along the 99 highway on their way to Whistler. The hike takes approximately 2- 3 hours to complete and is fantastic cross training for the Grind and also hill running.
The stairs on the trail of the Chief are as steep or more steep than the Grind. The only drawback is that there is no gondola on the Chief, so you must walk back down... If your knees are sensitive then you could feel it by the end of the day.
I packed along for the hike a Vega One shake which was the perfect fuel before my hike. After my hike, I used the Vega recovery drink and enjoyed the delicious shake mix on the ride home.

Another great week of training and I am really excited about the next week of the Seak the Peek training!

With race day fast approaching, remember to finalize your fundraising. All fundraising money will be going to the BC Cancer Foundation which is the leading Breast Cancer research in BC.

You can help with the fight against breast cancer too by pledging, even ten dollars. Are you interested? Every dollar helps, just click here to pledge.

Have a great week!
