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Well folks, we have reached the halfway point of our training series for Seek the Peak. We only have five more training sessions left with the fine people at Kintec. Lots of progress has been made, we can already see and hear the improvements from our fellow STPers. So, whether you consider it downhill or uphill from here on out, let's keep attacking the training so that when the day comes, it will be a breeze. 

Our most recent training event took us back to Ambleside Park on what turned out to be a perfect end to a beautiful day. City Sport Physio stopped by before our run to talk about the importance of injury prevention. As we had indicated in an earlier blog, the best way to avoid injury is to prevent it from happening rather than treat it after it has occurred.
Some tips:

  • Do an active warm-up consisting of dynamic stretching and range of motion movements
  • Be mindful of seasonal changes and prepare accordingly to maintain comfort/safety
  • Stay hydrated and fueled
  • Listen to your body, address any nagging pain or past injuries before continuing with your training program
  • Cool down following your workout, this can be done much in the same way you warmed up
  • Utilize foam rollers and a stretching routine as part of a balanced cool down
  • Do not put off seeing a professional or specialist regarding your ailments until after your event
  • Have fun 

This most recent training session session took us back up Argyle and then along Capilano Pacific Trail, the first leg of this years Seek the Peak run. The run was again divided into groups that catered to those who are running solo and as relay teams. In all, the solo run ended up being a quick but well paced 7km course of road and trail while taking us through numerous transitions of flat and incline intervals.
Some of you might also being taking advantage of the convenient training schedule posted by Grouse Mountain and Kintec to assist in planning your Friday and Sunday runs. Michelle and I are both training for separate events that we have mentioned in past posts, Michelle with her first half marathon and myself with a military type challenge spread over 8-10 hours and 15-20 miles. With these events in mind, we have adjusted our training to incorporate specific days to help us with the individual challenges we are both taking on. 

Most recently, I ran Buntzen Lake's 8km trail in beautiful Port Moody with my 45lbs weight vest. We have continued to introduce weight training, yoga and high intensity intervals to our daily sessions to get fit for whatever life throws at us. Remember that even though Seek the Peak is running specific, a strong core and legs built by strength training will help immensely in injury prevention and overall performance! 

This week will be my first attempt at the Grouse Grind as it is now officially open for the season! Don't wait too long to get out and "enjoy" Nature's Stairmaster!

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions, feel free to leave a message on the Facebook link posted by Grouse Mountain. 

Join Michelle and I along with hundreds of others as we Seek the Peak in an effort to fight Breast Cancer! Sign up for Seek the Peak here.

Gareth and Michelle
P.S. Check out this guy (or gal) that was just hanging out at the beach by our training session.