For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse. 
Please be advised that Nancy Greene Way is plowed and salted. Snow tires are recommended due to heavy snow conditions.

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On Tuesday this week we held our first Hummingbird Banding and monitoring session of 2015.  The birds had arrived a few weeks before but we give them some time to settle in and feed up after a long migration.

The purpose behind the monitoring is to help conduct a long term study on hummingbird population numbers and species distribution.  We are a long standing member of the Hummingbird Monitoring Network out of Arizona.  The Network stations all follow the same banding and monitoring protocols so that data from over 30 stations across Western North American can be collated and compared.  Overall it unfortunately appears that hummingbird numbers are slowly decreasing due to habitat loss and the loss of stopover migration sites.  Studies like ours bring attention to this plight and help educate others on just how amazing Hummingbirds are!

If you would like to learn more about Hummingbirds and other pollinators that need our help be sure to come check out our Small Wonder's Summer and come along on a Guided Eco-Walk!