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After an amazing 19-hour day on the Grouse Grind we are excited to announce that the 3rd annual Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge has helped raise over $21,000 for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Grind For Kid's program.This year the Multi-Grind Challenge saw a record 36 athletes seek their personal best!

 A new record was set at this year's event as Ian Robertson of Vancouver completed 16 Grouse Grinds over the 19 hour period. This topped the previous record of 15 Grouse Grinds in one day set by Idar Karlsen during the inaugural Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge event in 2014. 

The Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge also saw a new female record set as Vancouver resident Andrea Johb completed 15 Grouse Grinds, topping previous record holder Sarah Tomlinson’s 13 Grouse Grinds set at the 2014 event.

After wrapping up a long day on Mother Nature’s Stairmaster, the 36 participants had hiked a collective total of 362 Grouse Grinds in a one-day period. Congratulations to all the participants!

Male                                                Female
Ian Robertson 16 | Andrea Johb 15
Gary Lubin 13 | Kathy Porter 14
Michael Frewin 13 | Sarah Tomlinson 14
Colin Ellis-White 12 | Atessa Marashi 14
Wayne Enright 12 | Amy Tso 11
Dennis Golinski 11 | Brie Hemmingway 10
Merlin Mott 11 | Jennifer Golinski 10
Chris Battson 10 | Melissa Searle 10
Don Simpson 10 | Stephanie Lee 10
Jeremy Scudder 10 | Christine Mcdonald  9
Kevin Holland 10 | Pargol Lakhan  9
Graeme Adamson   9 | Sofia Moreno  10
Matt Sessions   8 | Lyubov Golovetska  8
Scott Young   8 | Samantha Jones  8
Doug Mackinnon   8 | Julia Derek  7
Paul Boileau   7 | Tania Percy  7
Sina Goshayeshi   7 | Leanna Lum  7
Zachary Eberwein   6 | Teera Jacobs  5