For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse

field trips & education programs

Teacher / educator FAQ

FAQ Display
+ What health & safety protocols do you currently have in place?

+ Can the program be shorter/longer?

+ What activities do you offer on your programs?

+ How many students and/or classes can you accommodate in your programs?

+ Are all activities at the Chalet? How do you travel around the venues?

+ What is the cost for a Guided Wildlife Education Program?

+ Are there complimentary tickets for Teachers & Supervisors?

+ How much are deposits?

+ How do you arrange payment?

+ What is your cancellation policy?

+ What do you do if the weather is inclement?

+ Grants

+ What is your Bursary Program?

+ What lunch options do you have for school groups?

+ What options are there for students with food allergies or sensitivities?

+ Are you able to accommodate guests with disabilities?

+ Do you allow Service Dogs on your programs?

+ Do you have parking for buses? What does it cost?

+What options are there for transportation to the Mountain?

+What is the cost for additional adults?

+ Do you allow additional family members on Educational Programs?

Parent / caregiver faq

FAQ Display
+ What do I send with my child on the field trip? What do they wear?

+ Can I come on the field trip?

+ Can I bring my younger/older child?

+Can I bring a friend/grandparent?

+ What are the parking arrangements if I am driving?

+ What is the cost if I want to come?

+ What lunch options are available for parents?

+ I want to buy my child lunch, what options are available?

+ My child may not be able to walk the entire route, what options are there?

+ I need to contact my child, how do I do that?