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(North Vancouver) After an amazing 16-hour day on the Grouse Grind®, Grouse Mountain is pleased to announce that Sunday’s second-annual Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge has helped raise almost $9,000 as part of the mountain’s annual support of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.

As the only sanctioned event to determine the record-holder for most ascents of the Grouse Grind® in a one-day period, the Multi-Grind Challenge involved 15 endurance athletes seeking their personal best while raising valuable funds for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Grind For Kids program. Since its inception six years ago, Grind For Kids has contributed almost $700,000 to the cardiology unit at BC Children’s Hospital.

To maximize the daylight for Multi-Grind Challenge participants, the event was held on the longest day of the year. What followed was a steady and dedicated uphill battle which saw a number of unprecedented results in the only event of its kind on the Grouse Grind®.

Leading the way was 70-year-old Idar Karlsen who came within two ascents of his record-setting 15 Grinds in one day that he set during last year’s inaugural event. A familiar face on the trail, Karlsen has completed 887 lifetime Grinds to rank eighth in the all-time standings.

Hot on his heels was Atessa Marashi whose 11 Grinds were a personal best in her first-time Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge. Participant Amy Tso also came in with 11 Grinds on the day. After finally wrapping a long day on Mother Nature’s Stairmaster, the 15 participants had hiked a collective total of 116 Grouse Grinds in a one-day period.

“We are so pleased to congratulate our Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge participants on a fantastic day of athletic achievement and fundraising for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation,” said Grouse Mountain general manager Michael Cameron. “Hiking the Grind multiple times in one day is an incredible feat and these individuals should take great pride not only in their athletic accomplishment but also in their support of the Grind For Kids program.”

“Doing just one Grouse Grind® is a pretty big challenge for many people, so the commitment of those who decide to do multiple Grinds in a single day is quite remarkable,” said Teri Nicholas, president and CEO of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. “I know that people have it in them to overcome exceptional challenges – we see it every day at BC Children’s Hospital – and we are grateful that Grouse Mountain and the Multi-Grinders are committed to making sure BC’s children and families have the support they need to overcome their challenges.”

For more information about Grind For Kids, please visit