Kids hockey tournament reflects real Games with 71% accuracy
Day seven offers new insight for hockey’s Olympic hopefuls
February 22, 2010
February 22, 2010, Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver, B.C. – Eighteen amazing games of kids hockey on the skate pond at Grouse Mountain have delivered a stunningly accurate reflection of the actual men’s Olympic event! An impressive seventy-one per cent of the kids games have been won by the identical nations playing in the real Games. With only five days of the historic Games remaining before one nation claims the coveted gold, the kids hockey tournament at the Peak of Vancouver may hold the answer to which nation will win the ultimate prize in international men’s hockey.
Playoffs continue tomorrow, with each successive game bringing the entire world closer to the dramatic final. At Grouse Mountain, children aged seven and eight, refereed by 12 year-olds, will return to the ice tomorrow in honour of the Games event. The children are all from the local North Shore Hockey League, and represent the twelve teams competing for Olympic gold. The young hockey stars are participating in Games on corresponding Olympic game days.
Hockey fever has climbed new heights in the quest for Olympic gold, accompanied by cheering parents and media interest, including NBC Sports. The tournament matches 4 players a side and features 180 kids in total vying for Olympic supremacy. Boys and girls are emulating their heroes in a show of spirit and athleticism that will see 4 games played tomorrow.
As one of four games played here tomorrow, visitors can watch Canada play Germany in the play-off qualifiers as a precursor to the real event! The first game tomorrow will be played from 7am to 8am, second from 8:15am to 9:15am, and third from 9:30am to 10:30am.
If you don’t have a ticket to watch Olympic hockey, come and watch local children bring you closer to the game!