Iconic wind turbine at Grouse Mountain
Iconic wind turbine at Grouse Mountain approved by North Vancouver District Council.
Viable energy source expected to be operational by November 2009.
October 7, 2008
October 7, 2008, Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver, B.C. – The District of North Vancouver has approved the construction of a single wind turbine atop Grouse Mountain, creating B.C.'s first viable wind energy solution.
After three years of study and having followed the prescribed application process set out by North Vancouver District , Grouse Mountain was granted approval late yesterday. Third-party experts addressing wind speeds, wind direction, noise levels, shadow flicker, and potential wildlife impacts were consulted throughout the permitting process.
"We applaud our District Council for the leadership steps they took today.” says Stuart McLaughlin, President of Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd. " We are committed to embedding the principles of sustainability into every aspect of our operations and this includes the pursuit of smarter and better energy alternatives to meet our needs. As part of our Blue Grouse Sustainability Vision, we believe wind energy offers one proven approach in environmental and economic responsibility, as well as provides educational and inspirational value for our communities."
The installation of a state of the art Leitwind turbine is part of the company’s commitment to the environment. Grouse Mountain Resorts has already made considerable contributions to the scientific community and the public at large through programming and research done by staff on the mountain. The Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife is the home to orphaned grizzly bears Grinder and Coola and also cares for its three resident timber wolves. In addition, the company participates in the North American Hummingbird Monitoring Network, has established a migratory bird monitoring station and actively participates in the Northern Spotted Owl breeding program.
The iconic single wind turbine will generate more than 20 per cent of Grouse Mountain's electricity needs and is expected to be operational by end of 2009. Grouse Mountain has taken steps to reduce energy consumption through conservation measures, is implementing energy management programs and continues to look for other methods to reduce its reliance on third party energy.