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Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver, BC- On an occasion that celebrates the hope of a better tomorrow, one is hard-pressed to imagine a more inspiring experience of Earth Day’s values than standing directly behind the 37.5 metre blades of a fully commissioned wind turbine, some 57 metres above the peak of a mountain. 

All year round, Grouse Mountain provides uniquely British Columbian experiences that marry authentic West Coast adventure with operating principles that are rooted in environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Today, on this global tribute to our planet, Grouse Mountain encourages all Vancouverites to get up close and personal with cutting-edge technology that can help us all ensure a sustainable future.

All day Friday, April 25th, Grouse Mountain will offer complimentary access to The Eye of Wind’s breathtaking viewPOD™ for children 12 and under, while adults will enjoy 2-for-1 admission. Guided tours of the Eye of the Wind will run from noon to 7pm. All Eye of the Wind visits first require a General Admission ticket or season’s pass to Grouse Mountain.

The Eye of the Wind is part of Grouse Mountain’s vision to leave a better world for our grandchildren by making responsible decisions today. A 20-story wind turbine perched atop the most recognized peak of Vancouver’s skyline is specifically intended to stimulate conversation about change. It is Grouse Mountain’s hope that today, the dizzying experience of a visit to the viewPOD™ creates a few conversations that will be taken back home, affecting the sort of meaningful grassroots shift in thinking that will allow us to ensure a better environment for all. 

What to expect: 
Guides will lead guests to the world's only elevator-accessible wind turbine with a clear glass viewPOD™ perched 57 metres directly beneath the nacelle of the turbine. Guests can stand in the viewPOD™ with 360-degree views of the lower mainland and will be captivated by the massive rotating blades less than 1 metre from where they stand.