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November 3, 2011 North Vancouver, B.C. - Grouse Mountain is proud to pay host to the Artists for Conservation Festival (AFC) which will bring some of the world’s best nature and wildlife art and artists to the Peak of Vancouver. From November 5 to 13, artists, including world renowned Robert Bateman, will display their exclusively produced artwork throughout the Grouse Mountain Chalet. The Festival will also feature an exciting array of programs for everyone to enjoy with artists and naturalists from around the world sharing their expertise. 

Artists for Conservation, like Grouse Mountain, share a vision that focuses on celebrating nature’s beauty, sustainability and supporting our local community. Through our work at the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife we focus on supporting wildlife conservation and endangered species through our education programs as well as conducting valuable active research. 

We are also pleased to announce the arrival of a new resident to the Refuge who will help to educate generations of school children in the years to come on the importance of conservation work. Tyto, a barn owl, comes to us through our partners at Birds in Motion and having been bred in captivity and imprinted on people cannot be released into the wild – but can help today’s youth appreciate the beauty and fragility of local wildlife

"The Artists for Conservation Festival at Grouse Mountain is a perfect fit for our Refuge for Endangered Wildlife's shared goals of conservation and preservation of flora and fauna at risk”, explains Grouse Mountain Veterinarian and Refuge Director, Dr. Ken Macquisten.“ Art can have powerful emotional impact, and this Festival's setting on the Mountain will enhance the inspirational messages of the artist’s work. Guests will get to meet our live wildlife ambassador Tyto, the barn owl, and will be similarly moved by his close presence during the Festival." 

Over 70 works of art created by 60 masters will be on display during the Festival and all will be available for purchase with funds going towards valuable conservation work. Some of those that will benefit from the proceeds include Birdlife International, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Wildlife Conservation Society, African Conservation Foundation, Nature Conservancy, Jane Goodall Institute, Wildlife Habitat Canada and the Natural Resources Defence Council.

The Artists for Conservation Festival runs for 10 days from November 5 to 13th and is free with a Grouse Mountain General Admission ticket, for those with an Annual Local’s Pass, Y2Play and All Mountain pass holders. Along with the artwork there will be a multitude of workshops, painting demonstrations and the opportunity to come face to face with Tyto, the newest member of the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife. 

 For more information please visit: