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This week I really had to get my head around that this was actually going to happen, and unlike the races in the past (running a half marathon without training and letting my fitness ability coast me through to the finish line) I will need to train for it!

I found myself talking about Seek the Peak whenever I got the chance, to runners and non-runners alike. I think part of me was hopeful, if I could get enough people to rally with me, we could all train together. There are strength in numbers, right? Luckily, when I mentioned it to my previous triathlon trainer he jumped at the chance to lace up. As a North Van local, he took me to a quaint park on the seventeen hundred block on Jones avenue for my first trial of trails (I remember it well, he used to make me run the stairs at the soccer stadium with ankle weights many years ago). But this time, he had an entirely different type of torture in store for me.

Well, that was... neat.

It felt like I had entered a piece of untouched nature, the kind Vancouver is known for. As we disappeared into an opening that was engulfed in trees, with the sound of running water from the creek that went through the centre, how could I not enjoy what I was about to do?

I soon realized what I was in for when I started to zone out and my gazed met the sky. I nearly tumbled head over heels on the uneven surface below me, this was definitely not going to be like my cruise controlled Sunday jog along the seawall. Not only will my mind have to stay sharp and focused on the ground in front of me in order to pull myself through this trail, there were countless numbers of stairs I was led up to the top only to turn around and go back down again. Combined with the ups and downs of the route, it seemed more similar to a roller-coaster you would ride at Playland than something someone should run along!

Boy, do I have a long way to go!

I suppose I can take comfort to know my sweat, tears, moans and groans from the countless number of classes I took at The Bar Method have worked. I know this because my legs and core felt strong as I came out of the run with little to no sore or stiff muscles (both good signs). I wish my lungs were as lucky! I know I haven’t ran in awhile but did they always burn like this? I am now fully aware I will have to reintroduce them to cardio because I thought for sure they were going to explode after a mere 30mins of going through the trail.

Fake it until you make it...

At the very least I can be proud my ankle held up through my first taste of off-roading. It may be a small victory at this point, but I’m headed in the right direction and there is nowhere to go from here except up!

Thanks again for reading my weekly Seek the Peak blog post! If this excites you, and makes you feel like signing up for your own challenges, register for Seek the Peak here.

We are also having Columbia Race Clinic sessions that begin today, May 1st! 

Also, follow me on Twitter: @jodiecks