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Mind over matter in overdrive…

Someone may say girls think too much, well, I think way too much. This week I was riddled with self doubt, am I going to be able to do this? No, really, am I? When is there a good time to train? Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in six different directions and the only way to make room for something more is letting another thing go?

I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to juggle, when to train, when to sleep and what to eat in order to get the most out of my body to do all these things. At one point I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and admit defeat. That was until a phone call with an avid runner and good friend who told me I’m way too stubborn to let any of this get the best of me. Reminding me this is my come back race and this should be fun… remember when running was fun?

Back to the grind, literally… 

Like the champ that he is, he re-focused my thoughts on days we could train together, whether it was going up the Grouse Grind on a Sunday evening or an early rise and shine jog, as we both have pressing schedules it is not as likely as we desired to be free at the same time. Can’t we go back to grade school when there was an allotted time for recess where it was required to go outside and run around for at least 20 minutes a day? No one tells you that disappears in your adult life, no fair! Then he did something that blew my mind completely, instructing me to the Seek the Peak training schedule that was posted on Grouse Mountain's website, I noticed the start day was May 1st! I was instantly reassured, I had been training and according to this guide I was only a few days behind, I could catch up in no time.

The buddy system…

Then he eased my mind again by saying he would be by my side each and every step of the way, the entire Seek the Peak... I grinned from ear to ear and replied; Piggy Back?

— Jodi Eckland

P.S. Register for Seek the Peak here and come up to our complimentary Columbia Race Clinics every Tuesday.