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With the help of Columbia Sportswear we have launched our first year of the Grouse Grind Ambassadors program. We asked out to the Grind community, "Why do you Grind?" and were sent responses of every kind. Inspirational, recreational, charitable, you name it. With all these great responses, we were tasked to select only ten Ambassadors. 

Our new Grind Ambassadors are all unique individuals who — while having different stories for frequenting the Grind — all share the same passion for the outdoors and Grouse Mountain. 

They were each outfitted, head-to-toe, in brand new Columbia Sportswear gear and will be able to put it to the test through a year of frequent abuse on the Grind! Over the next week we will be introducing you to all ten Ambassadors. Here are the next three...

Meet the Ambassadors
Andrea Johb

An avid grinder since 2005, needless to say the Grouse Grind is one of my favorite hobbies. Each year brings a greater personal challenge with 2012 being my largest goal of 150 grinds. Living in downtown Vancouver, going to Grouse Mountain is the perfect escape from my busy lifestyle. In addition to hiking almost every day, I work at Joey's Restaurant, am a part time event coordinator and go to school at BCIT. 

When I’m not hiking, working or at school, I like to cook, spend time with friends and family as well as trying out the newest restaurants in Vancouver.
Karin Femi

I am a North Vancouver resident who was born and raised in France and moved to this beautiful town in 2008. I first did the Grouse Grind because friends had told me that it was simply a "must-do" activity for a North-Vancouverite.  I quickly got hooked and found it to be a great way to get back in shape after years of doing no sport at all. I love the Grind because I prefer training with other people: being surrounded by so many friendly and athletic people is such a great source of motivation. I also have to admit that I am a bit competitive and, on busy days, all the hikers on the Grind can make the hike feel like a race. The Grind Timer also adds to the competitive boost as each climb can be turned into a race against the clock and against yourself. Last year, I decided to join the Fitness Town Grind for Kids fundraising team. It feels great to know that people are supporting our team and the Children's Hospital by pledging to donate more money with every Grind climb.

Before my decision to get back into sports by training on the Grind, I was not really a couch potato, but I was definitely not an athlete either. Now, when I am not training on Grouse Mountain, I am teaching dance fitness classes, lifting weights with friends or team mates at the community centre gym, training with the Norwesters track club or racing (mostly sprints).  In the winter, I enjoy snowshoeing and ice skating.
Athena Wallinder

I’ve always loved hiking up mountains and have set aside time to do so. I have also been dealing with a chronic illness my entire life which makes it difficult to do physical activity; however I still Grind to prove that I can overcome any obstacle.  I bring many others up with me to help motivate everyone to prove they can do anything they set their mind to.  I believe that nearly anyone can do the Grind given enough time and determination!  I encourage everyone to challenge yourself and give it a try no matter if you are extremely fit or not.