Birds in Motion finishes for 2011
Posted by Devin Manky September 21, 2011
This past Sunday marked the last of our Birds in Motion demonstrations for the 2011 season. It seems like just yesterday that the birds were arriving and getting trained up for our demonstrations but here they are migrating East for the winter time.
All of the demonstration birds spend the winter time at the Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Ontario where they get the opportunity to rest, fatten up and molt their feathers. They all deserve it after a wonderful summer of demonstrations.
Tens of thousands of visitors had the amazing experience this summer to see the birds, ranging from hawks, owls, falcons to eagles, fly in a natural setting with the amazing backdrop of Mount Baker behind them. While this is definitely entertaining, our Birds in Motion interpreters also deliver a top notch educational talk at the same time, teaching our guests many cool and interesting facts about raptors.
I hope that everyone has an opportunity to visit us next year and see our 2012 demonstrations. There's nothing quite like having an owl fly silently only inches above your head or seeing an eagle take flight right in front of your eyes!
A big thanks to our Birds in Motion team, both falconers and birds, for a job well done.