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Our Birds in Motion birds have been out and flying in this gorgeous summer weather we have been receiving lately.  Each demonstration features an owl, hawk, falcon and an eagle.  The birds literally fly right over your head!

New to our demonstrations is a special demonstration of two Harris' Hawks flying together.  They are one of the only a few species of birds of prey that work together and hunt in a group.  They are known to have one bird chase the prey towards the others that are waiting to pounce.  Here is a compilation shot of one of the Harris' Hawks going after a piece of food in mid-air - note the aerobatics!
While the Harris' Hawks put on a great demonstration of concentration and maneuverability, the top aerodynamic abilities have to go to the falcons.  Here is Trinity, a hybrid falcon, going after a lure in mid-air and upside down! 
These thrilling displays provide an amazing look at the adaptations of raptors and provide a ton of information on the different species seen.  Be sure to check out the demonstrations held daily at 1:30pm, 3:30pm and 5:30pm.  Be sure to get there early for a front row seat!