For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse. 
Please be advised that Nancy Greene Way is plowed and salted. Snow tires are recommended due to heavy snow conditions.

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It is with great sadness that I must inform that one of our oldest wolves, Beta, was humanely euthanized today. In our efforts to enhance Beta's quality of life last August a tumour was removed surgically from his rump and Beta recovered very well. In the last few weeks he developed progressive lameness in his left front leg, for which Ranger staff had been providing anti-inflammatory medication daily. Beta recently stopped eating so medicating was no longer reliably possible. Beta was sedated last week and taken to an off-site facility for a full veterinary evaluation. Sadly, blood tests and radiographs revealed the presence of new tumours in his left shoulder and his lungs. The condition was un-treatable and so for his own sake we took the decision to say goodbye to an old friend. 

Beta was captive born in 1998, was retired from the movie industry and found sanctuary at Grouse Mountain with the rest of his pack in 2004. Beta enjoyed life on the mountain and will be greatly missed by everyone who visited and those who came to know him.

Ken Macquisten D.V.M.
Managing Director / Veterinarian
Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife