Bears Enjoy Sun and Snow!
Posted by Devin Manky July 7, 2011
Grinder and Coola are certainly enjoying these warm sunny days we have been seeing here at Grouse Mountain. It can get quite hot under all that fur, but thankfully their habitat still has large mounds of snow left over from our extraordinary winter. Grinder and Coola have dug deep snow caves and when they begin to get too hot they retreat into these cool abodes. If they want a mix of snow and sun they can have this too by napping on a cool bed of ice.
We've reached the point where the bears are on their summer maintenance diet which allows them to maintain a healthy weight. They are getting a daily feed of dried dog kibble, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes and the occasional servings of nuts and honey. After roaming around eating for the morning, Grinder and Coola tend to have an afternoon snooze before getting up for their evening play sessions.
I hope you can make it up here this summer to see Grinder and Coola enjoying the summer weather and their beautiful habitat.