Bears Stirring...
Posted by Devin Manky February 29, 2012
As the days grow longer in the spring, Grinder and Coola, our two resident Grizzly Bears, begin to stir more often in their bear den.
During the coldest and darkest part of winter there is very little movement inside the bear den. Now, however, through the use of our infrared cameras we are able to see that they are stirring more often and for longer periods of time. The 'stir' can be a stretch, a roll over, a remaking of the bed or perhaps even a little walk around the front part of the 'bear hotel'.
Sometimes watching the bear camera during these times can provide some pretty funny moments including what we like to call 'bear yoga sessions' with some interesting stretches!
Don't forget you can check out the bear camera on our website and on a television screen inside the Chalet.
Here is a short video clip showing Grinder rolling around during one of his stretching sessions.